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Dogs + Complementary Medicine

  • Chamomile and Wild Yam Formula contains herbs that regulate stomach/bowel movement, helping to prevent bloating esp. after eating, borborygmus, and pain secondary to intestinal spasm.

  • DGSYS is used in small animals chiefly as a non-dampening Liver Blood tonic in disorders of mild/moderate intensity.

  • The following is a generic outline for integrative cancer therapy in dogs and cats. It allows tailoring to the specific animal's needs

  • Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang corrects Qi, Blood, Yin & Yang deficiencies that have left an animal (usu geriatric) vulnerable to Wind Cold Damp invasion, with resultant low back and hind limb pain, weakness and spasm. Patients that benefit often have a lameness that is aggravated by cold wet weather, and show their underlying fatigue by being especially lame after exertion and much imporved after rest.

  • Extracorporeal shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a treatment that uses high energy sound waves to exert changes in the target tissues. In specific situations it can decrease pain and increase healing. Conditions that can be treated, types of shockwave therapy, contraindications and adverse effects are discussed.

  • a generic cancer supplement protocol for owners

  • Gui Pi Tang (GPT) adresses Heart BLood Deficiency secondary to Spleen deficiency, commonly resulting in tachyarrhythmias or mental symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, nervousness, poor vision, and frequent dreaming. The underlying Spleen deficiency may be hinted at by a history of weight and appetite loss, loss of balance, diarrhea or fatigue. The other main use of GPT is as a hemostatic agent for bruising, epistaxis (bloody nose), and uterine bleeding ( due to platelets). Its use should be avoided in "damp" patients ( greasy coat, weight gains, ear infections, mucoid discharges).

  • Gymnema and Corn Silk Formula is indicated for the reduction of blood glucose in diabetes mellitus, but itself does NOT cause hypoglycemia. Gymnema has been demonstrated to promote regeneration of pancreatic cells, while corn silk has a long tradition of use by Chinese Herbalists as a means of noramlizing blood sugar and optimizing iver metabolism.

  • Homotoxicology is a bridge between alternative medicine and conventional medicine principles. It requires the identification of the origin of the disease, its progression and current stage and offers therapeutic formulas to stimulate the bodyʼs natural defense mechanism to heal itself

  • Patients that benefit from Hoxsey/Boneset tend to be Hot and Excessive. Heat symptoms include severe inflammatory conditions, increased thirst or appetite, heat intolerance, bleeding, heat radiating from body or wounds.