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  • This is one of the most important formulas in the history of Herbal medicine. It was devised to treat relatively deep seated pathogens. (eg Lymes disease, blood parasites). It is of benefit in immune mediated ocnditions such as anemia, Thrombocytopenia (platelet disorder) and Lupus. In addition to expelling pathogens, it also ensures the smooth flow of Qi along the Triple Burner and out to the extremities. Obstruction of these channels can produce vomiting, eructatiobn (bleching) , urinary incontinence, shortness of breath, chronic dry cough, weakness, restlessness, loss of balance to complete collapse. Enhancing the smooth flow of Qi in the Gall BLadder channel is crucial for the normal function of structures such as the hips and knees. Disorders benfiting from opening of the conduits include cruciate ligament damage, flank pain, hindlimb paralysis, adn hip dysplasia.

  • Xiao Huo Luo Dan is traditionally used as a Blood mover to adress severe persistent pain, whether chronic or acute. It warms the channels to quicken their Blood flow. It is designed to be used short term ( ie not months).

  • Xiao Yao San is designed to adress disharmonies between the Liver and Spleen. In health, the SPleen supplies the Liver with sufficient stores of Blood to allow it to do its job of Qi flow. When the Liver is deprived of Blood , Qi stagnates. Digestion (Spleen Qi) subsequently becomes impaired leading to loose stools, reduced appetite, chronic weight loss, weak pulses, and undigested food in stool. Formulas often tend to help particular breeds - XYS is commonly beneficial to Yorkshire Terriers. Adverse effects are not reported.

  • Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (XFZYT) is onr of the most commonly used herbal formulas in veterinary herbal medicine. It adresses Qi & BLood stasis, as well as an underlying BLood deficiency. It is particualrly efffective in the Upper/Outer parts of the body, including head, chest, and skin. Symptoms of stasis include chronic/resonant cough, diffuclty bereathing, lavender tongue, thin tense pulse , cool ears & paws. Signs of Blood deficiency commonly include territoriality, timidity, small dander, recurrent mild skin infections, dry eye, frequent dreaming, noise sensitivity, mild liver enzyme increase in blodwork, andxiety.

  • Xylitol is a naturally occurring substance that is widely used as a sugar substitute. Chemically, it is a sugar alcohol, and found naturally in berries, plums, corn, oats, mushrooms, lettuce, trees, and some other fruits. Xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs. Even small amounts of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, or even death in dogs.

  • Yeast dermatitis or Malassezia dermatitis is an extremely common skin disease in dogs. Clinical signs include itchiness, redness, scaly or crusty skin, and foul odor. Diagnosis and underlying conditions are discussed. Treatment involves resolving the underlying disorder and using topical and/or oral medications to treat the yeast.

  • Yi Guan Jian (YGJ) is very commonly used as a Liver Blood and Kidney Yin tonic. Blood deficiency is indicated by thin skin, low grade superficial pyoderma, mild-moderate liver enzyme elevations, small liver on xray, timidity, eye dryness, territoriality. Yin deficiency symptoms include eye/face/ear redness, heat intolerance, chronic weight loss (good appetite), increased thirst. A strong indicator for YGJ is a pale-edged tongue with levender center.

  • You Gui Wan (YGW) is traditionally thought of as a kidney Yang tonic, although the actions of the formula are braod enough to allow it to be considered a Kidney Qi and Jing tonic as well. Its indications are similar to Rehmannia 8, but its content of Eucommia makes this formula more effective at dealing with low back weakness and pain. It is also a generally stronger tonic than Rehmannia 8 when it comes to dealing with urinary incontinence. YGW is designed to have a stronger effect on the reproductive tract . Adverse effects have not been reported

  • Yu Ping Feng San is a simple formula designed to correct Lung and Wei Qi deficiency, resulting in frequent upper respiratory infections. Chrnic rhinitis and asthma. Symptoms of underlying Qi deficiency include weakness, feeble cough, adn shortness of breath. The cough may be moist or productive. The secondary wind invasion may be hinted at by an aversion to cool or inclement weather. It is an important formula in the treatment and prevention of urticaria. For maximal effect agaisnt hives/urticaria, it may need to be combined with skin Blood tonics such as Si Wu Tang or Si Wu Xiao Feng Yin. Adverse effects are not reported but caution is used in patients prone to auto-immune diseases.

  • Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan adresses Liver and esp. Kidney Yin deficiency that has lead to Empty fire. This may be concentrated in the lower burner ( colitis, cystitis). The empty fire may also be generalized leading to symptoms such as chronic weight loss (good appetite), agitation, restlessness, irritability, fear aggression, anxiety, thirst, red eyes, red skin, red dry tongue, wiry rapid pulse.