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  • Owning a puppy can be an extremely rewarding experience but it is also a large responsibility that lasts the entire lifetime of the dog. Working with your veterinarian, there are several preventive measures to help keep your puppy safe and healthy as he grows up, including vaccination, parasite treatment and prevention, identification, and spaying or neutering your dog.

  • Counterconditioning occurs when the pet's reaction (emotional response) to a stimulus is changed from one that is anxious or fearful to one that is positive and enjoyable. To accomplish this, favored rewards should be paired with each exposure to the stimulus.

  • For many cats, a visit to the veterinarian can be stressful. Familiarize your cat with being inside a carrier: make the carrier a cozy and pleasant place to be – it is essential for your cat’s safety. Upon arrival at the veterinary office, try to relax and talk calmly to your cat. Bring delicious, favorite treats and a familiar towel that your cat can snuggle in during her examination.

  • Many dogs experience fear associated with veterinary visits. Once recognized, fear can be reduced with gentle handling techniques and structured behavior modification exercises such as desensitization and counterconditioning. Medications that reduce anxiety can be given before the visit, while full sedation may be needed for some fearful dogs or certain procedures. Over time, dogs can learn to cooperate in their care.

  • This handout provides a brief overview of the most common evidence-based modalities used in veterinary medicine. Pet owners need to discuss the risk of recommended modalities for their specific pet with a trained and certified rehabilitation therapist before starting a rehabilitation program.

  • Ba Wei Di Huang Wan has been in consistent use for 1500 years. Many of the benefits of Rehmannia Eight stem from its ability to increase renal blood flow and improve urine production. Not surprisingly, then, its human indications include chronic nephritis, ankle swelling, and even urethritis. It also has a reputation for invigorating geriatric and hypothyroid patients. The ability of Rehmannia Eight to improve renal function makes it very popular among veterinarians. Because it extends the lives of these patients, Rehmannia Eight Combination is also known as Precious Golden Tonify the Qi Pill (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan), Qi being life force.

  • Reproductive disease in ferrets is rare today, as most pet ferrets are spayed or neutered at a young age. One disease that is still occasionally seen in pet ferrets occurs in females that are not spayed. This is called hyperestrogenemia and is a result of persistently high blood levels of estrogen in unspayed females that are not bred or fails to ovulate.

  • Abdominal swelling in any reptile is always a concern that needs to be brought to the attention of a veterinarian well versed in reptile medicine. In female reptiles, this swelling often means that the individual has eggs or fetus that are ready to be delivered. When the female cannot deliver the eggs or babies, this is referred to as dystocia. This condition can be life threatening and need attention ASAP.

  • Swellings on or around the joints in reptiles can be an indication of uric acid deposits in the area. This condition is referred to as gout. Gout is often painful and may also affect internal organs. Treatment will require medications and sometimes surgery.

  • Respiratory disease is common in birds and can be caused by infection with bacteria, fungus, or parasites; by exposure to aerosolized toxins or environmental irritants; or by pressure on the respiratory tract from enlarged organs or tumors. Birds can have varying signs, such as coughing, sneezing, ocular or nasal discharge, or difficulty breathing. Any bird showing respiratory tract signs should be examined and tested by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Over-the-counter medications from pet stores are not recommended for treating sick birds.