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Cats + Complementary Medicine

  • The Crown Pointe Animal Hospital is now able to offer your pet an alternative and complimentary prevention & treatment option to maximize your pet’s health through the use of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. The general principle of TCM is to harmonize your pet’s internal and external environments such that we are able to naturally and safely re-establish the normal flow of body energy, fluids and organ function to allow the body to perform at its optimal levels.

  • The Crown Pointe Animal Hospital is now able to offer your pet an alternative and complimentary prevention & treatment option to maximize your pet’s health through the use of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. The general principle of TCM is to harmonize your pet’s internal and external environments such that we are able to naturally and safely re-establish the normal flow of body energy, fluids and organ function to allow the body to perform at its optimal levels.

  • Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang has been in consistent use for 275 years. Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang is an excellent formula for the treatment of food sensitivities causing headaches and neurological problems such as epilepsy. Most of its ingredients have a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract, helping to reduce the production and absorption of food allergens.

  • There is a wide range of non-pharmaceutical products designed to improve a pet's behavior. There is little oversight for many of these products which means that any given product may not work for your pet. Ask your veterinarian before using any over-the-counter product for your pet. The label “natural” does not guarantee a product is safe to use in dogs and cats.

  • Bu Gan Tang is translated as 'Tonify the Liver Decoction', presumably because normal blood volume is reflected in a liver of normal size and color. It is a basic formula to tonify Liver BLood nf Yin.

  • Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (BZYQT) was designed to raise sinking Spleen Qi. Patients benefiting from the formula will often have Spleen Qi deficiency symptoms such as chronic weight loss, chronic small bowel diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue, muscle weakness/atrophy, anemia, and pallor.

  • Calcium supplements are given by mouth or injection and are used on and off label and over the counter to treat low blood calcium levers in many species. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are uncommon but may include constipation. Do not use in pets with high blood calcium. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Cascara Formula is designed specifically to treat refractory constipation in patients

  • The most common uses include chest tumors, heart failure and anxiety issues

  • Chamomile and Wild Yam Formula contains herbs that regulate stomach/bowel movement, helping to prevent bloating esp. after eating, borborygmus, and pain secondary to intestinal spasm.