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Dogs + Complementary Medicine

  • Hydrangea and Eupatorium Formula is indicated in the management of acute and recurrent cystitis (bladder inflammation) in small animals. From a Chinese perspective, these animals suffer form Damp Heat acumulation in the bladder, with secondary Qi/Blood stagnation. Symptoms include straining to urinate, inappropriate urination, hematuria, crystal formation. The tincture is particularly effective at producing urine acidification, which may be of significant benefit in preventing Struvite urolithiasis. Side effects have not been observed.

  • Liu Jun Zi Tang (6 gentlemen) adresses basic Spleen and Lung Qi deficiency, characterized by loss of appetite, small bowel diarrhea, anemia, pale tongue, shortness of breath, weakness, weak pulse, muscle wasting, feeble cough, and loss of balance. In addition it contains Citrus & Pinellia, two herbs that act together to Transform Phlegm and descend Stomach Qi, thus relieving nausea, vomiting, indigestion and bloating. The anti-Phlegm effects alsomake it of use in slightly productive coughs, while its content of Poria gives it very mild diuretic or Dampness draining properties. Due to its content of the adaptogen Ginseng, this formula should be considered for any patient where chronic stress is considered to be a significant complicating factor.

  • Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is the basic formula to treat Liver & Kidney Yin defiiency. It is most commonly used in geriatrics for the managemetn of typical Kidney Yin deficiency symptoms: low back/hindlimb weakness or pain, increased thirst, dry skin, thin rapid pulse, dry eyes, weight loss despite good appetite, dry stools, mild heat intolerance, red dry tongue.

  • Long Dan Xie Gan Tang is designed to treat relatively severe pathologies, all united by their common cause of severe Heat acumulation in the Liver and Gall Bladder. Patients are categorized as Hot & Excessive. Heat signs include increased thirst, increased appetite, heat radiating from crown of head, hemorrhage, heat intolerance, red tongue, aggitiation, convulsions, restlessness, aggression, severe itch, severe ulceration adn inflammation. Excess symptoms include extreme clincial presentation, and abundant Dampness symptoms. The formula helps increase liver metabolism, allowing it to be of use in severe hypoglycemia.

  • Milk Thistle Glycerite contains the anti-oxident silymarin, and appears to have significant protective effect on the intergrity of Liver cells. Other effects include the inhibition of cirrhosis and stimulation of protein production within the cells. This seems to suggest a Blood tonic effect.

  • Nettles relieve hemorrhage and intense itch (Blood Heat). Nettles extract is also quite nutritive adn may derive some of their Blood cooling effect from tonifying blood and increasing circulation. The most common use is the management of allergic respiratory reactions, acting as a natural antihistamine. Only liquid extracts seem to have significant benefit. It can be added to anti-damp formulas to attempt to replace the need for prednisone in very itchy animals. A key symptom for using this formula is an itch that is aggravated when the patient is excited/agitated. The response can be dose dependant, with doses up to 1cc/5lbs in divided doses 4x/day commonly used. Adverse reactions are uncommon, and generally are restricted to mild upper airway congestion, which disappears within about a day of discontinuing the herb.

  • The term 'nutraceutical' was coined to represent compounds found in food and herbs that are not technically considered nutrients, such as vitamins or minerals, but may have a profoundly beneficial impact on the health of the body. Common examples of nutraceuticals include glucosamine, which is used in the treatment of arthritic conditions for both dogs and cats, and antioxidant compounds, that help in the prevention of cancer.

  • This handout discusses the risks and benefits of feeding a home-prepared versus commercial diet to your cat or dog. Topics highlighted include food safety, nutritional imbalances, and the need to ensure that any home-prepared diet has been well researched for nutritional safety and completeness.

  • This is a homeopathic remedy put together by Barbara Fougere. It is given orally twice daily. A large breed dog would receive 4 ml twice daily until growths have resolved ( approx 1cc/20lbs) . Usually you will see results in just a few days

  • Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a form of regenerative medicine where the platelet and protein components of blood are retrieved from a patient and then injected back into the patient at the site of inflammation. PRP contains growth factors that appear to promote tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation. The procedure is not yet widely available and should only be performed by a veterinarian with specialized equipment and special training in this area.